ordering your vehicle
If you have been locked out of your account, please follow the steps below:
- User locks account (after entering the wrong password 3 times)
- UNLOCK ACCOUNT button appears
- Clicking UNLOCK ACCOUNT will send an email to the users registered email address
- The user will be sent an email asking them to follow a link. They will need to do so within 2 hours, or the link will expire and they will have to start again. On clicking the link, it will take them to the UNLOCK YOUR ACCOUNT page, where the answer to the user’s security question and a new password is needed.
If you'd like an update on your order, please speak to your broker or dealer.
Vehicle lead times vary between manufacturers and models, and all dates are estimated and may change. The industry is currently seeing a challenge with supply because of a shortage of semiconductor chips, production delays from COVID-19 and continued increase in demand. We’re expecting these delays in vehicle supply to continue well into 2023 which may impact your vehicle’s lead times.
It may be possible to amend your order providing it hasn't yet gone into production at the factory. Please contact us and we will be able to advise if amendments are possible.
Please speak to your broker or dealer if your vehicle is delayed and they will be able to give you an update.
The industry is currently seeing a challenge with supply because of a shortage of semiconductor chips, production delays from the impact of COVID-19 and continued increase in demand. We’re expecting these delays in vehicle supply to continue well into 2022 which may impact your vehicle’s lead times.
Please make sure the vehicle is thoroughly checked during the handover process. In the unlikely event of there being any damage on the vehicle, please ensure this is recorded on the delivery release note at the time of delivery and report it to us as soon as possible who will work towards resolving the issue.
If your vehicle doesn't match what you ordered when it’s delivered, please speak to your broker or dealer who’ll be able to help.
With Contract Hire you may be able to formally extend a vehicle’s contracted term, up to maximum 5 years from the original start date and / or change the annual mileage allowance. This could help spread the cost of additional mileage over the remaining term, or reduce the monthly rental where vehicles are tracking under mileage.
If you’re registered for Manage My Vehicle, you can get a quote online to see how changes could affect your monthly rental.
Any changes to your agreement are subject to status and credit checks, which could affect your credit file. We’ll ask your permission before doing any checks.
If you want to keep your vehicle for longer than your contracted term, but don’t want to formally extend your contract, you’ll automatically roll into an informal extension. Your rental amount may increase, as the benefit of the larger initial payment you made at the start of the contract will no longer reduce your monthly payments. You can find how much your monthly payments will be if you go into an informal extension in your original agreement.