Personal leasing
Leases that work for you
We have strong relationships with most manufacturers to bring you the best deals.
Benefits of leasing
- New cars regularly
- Over 4,000 brand new cars to choose from
- No resale worries
- Easy budgeting with fixed monthly payments
Why lease with Lex?

How it works
Personal car leasing is a rental agreement that allows you to drive a new vehicle for a set period of time.
To apply you must:
- Live in the UK
- Be 18 and over
- Applications are subject to status, credit and affordability checks
In addition, you must have the following in place to drive the car:
- Hold a valid UK driving licence
- Must have fully comprehensive car insurance
If you're eligible, get a vehicle that works for you and your budget.
Contract duration
Our contracts range from 24 to 60 months (two to five years).
Things to consider when deciding on the term of the lease:
- Shorter contracts allow you to change your car more often.
- Longer contracts can mean lower monthly payments.
- If you take a 48 or 60 month (four or five year) contract: Annual MOTs will be due when the car is three years old. When the warranty expires, you'll be liable for repairs and breakdown costs in these years*. The requirements to do this will be set out in your contract.
*You may want to take our optional maintenance to cover fair wear and tear costs. See Maintenance below for details.
Mileage is one of the major factors in defining how much your rental agreement will cost. It is vital to choose a mileage allowance that reflects your driving habits.
When setting up a quote, we'll ask you to select an annual mileage. We'll then work out a total contracted mileage based on the annual mileage you select and the term of the lease.
If you exceed the total contracted mileage, you'll need to pay us an excess mileage charge at the end of the agreement.
As an example:
You choose an annual mileage of 10,000 miles over 48 months (4 years). Your total contracted mileage is 40,000 miles.Example 1.
If you do the following mileage:
Year 1: 12,000 miles.
Year 2: 11,000 miles.
Year 3: 9,000 miles.
Year 4: 7,000 miles.
Total mileage over the contract is 39,000 miles.You would not be charged excess mileage in this example. This is because you have not exceeded your total contracted mileage of 40,000 miles, even though you exceeded your annual mileage in years 1 and 2.
Example 2.
If you do the following mileage:
Year 1: 9,000 miles.
Year 2: 10,000 miles.
Year 3: 11,000 miles.
Year 4: 12,000 miles.
Total mileage over the contract is 42,000 miles.You would be charged excess mileage in this example. This is because you have exceeded your total contracted mileage of 40,000 miles, even though you didn’t exceed annual mileage in years 1 and 2.
This excess mileage charge will be based on how many additional miles you have done.
As an example:
If the excess stated in your agreement is 5p per mile, and you exceeded your mileage allowance by 2,000 miles, you would be charged £100.00.Please note: You will not receive a refund if you travel less than the total contracted mileage over the term of the agreement.
Initial rental and monthly rentals
The initial rental is your first rental payment and you can choose how small or large you want it to be. You can choose either:
- A larger initial rental and smaller monthly rentals.
- A smaller initial rental and larger monthly rentals.
- We’ll collect your chosen initial rental from you once your car has been delivered to you.
How we collect payment:
Once we’ve delivered your car, we’ll update our system to show it is a live rental. This is normally done within 48 hours of you receiving your car.
Once the car is live on our system, we’ll raise an Initial Rental Invoice and issue it to you. We’ll then collect your initial rental payment via direct debit 15 days after the Initial Rental Invoice has been issued.Monthly Rentals Collection:
Your subsequent monthly rental payments are then set at a fixed price for the remaining term of your contract.Payments are billed from the date of delivery and you’re billed in advance. Monthly rental payments will start once your car is a live rental on our system.
Please refer to our FAQs for more detail on how your payments will be collected.
Looking after your car
It is important that you keep your car in a good condition. This ensures that your car is safe and roadworthy.You must service your car in line with the guidelines found in the manufacturer handbook supplied with the car. If you don't do this, it could result in additional costs for you, due to damage caused as a result of missing a service. After each service please make sure that the dealer has updated the service history.
If you have chosen maintenance
Our maintenance service is optional. It is only available to take up at the time of your application.Our maintenance includes:
- Routine services.
- Replacing tyres.
- Labour, parts and repairs.
- Breakdowns.
- MOTs.
Repairs or replacements from accidental or malicious damage and damage caused by driver misuse or abuse are excluded. The car must be serviced in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines and by an approved service dealer.
- Shorter contracts allow you to change your car more often.
Signing your leasing documents online
Once you have placed your order, we will send an email to you to confirm that your order has been placed with our dealer network.
The email will also contain a link to our secure online website which you’ll use to review and sign your hire agreement and direct debit mandate.
You need to be aware and agree to the following to proceed with your order. You:
- Are happy to sign your agreement and direct debit electronically
- Agree to receive a copy of your agreement by email*
- Can authorise payments from the bank account details you provide us as part of your application
*You need to be aware that although we send information to you using email, data sent via e-mail is not 100% secure. There is a risk that an email could be intercepted in transit.
Delivery of your car
There are a number of things that can impact on the delivery time of a car. As a guide, most cars can be delivered within four months of an order being placed. Some prestige cars or cars with a lot of features can take longer. Pre-registered or in-stock offers may be available much sooner.
When a car is ordered, the dealer will give us an estimated delivery date. We'll email you with the details of this date. We'll track your order. We'll let you know if the delivery date changes.
End of the lease
You will not own the vehicle and there is no option to own it.
The car needs to returned to us in a condition that meets the British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association (BVRLA) Fair Wear and Tear guidelines, otherwise charges may apply.
If the car exceeds the contract mileage, an excess mileage charge will apply.
Thinking of going electric?
Leasing is a great way to go electric
Electric and ultra-low emission vehicles are the future. With leasing you can find a driving range that works for you, and do your bit for the planet.
Need help?
We know our customers sometimes need extra guidance from time to time, so our help centre is here if you need some more information or want to get in touch.